
Meditation Made Simple
An accelerated form of Self Development, a doorway into your subconscious mind, a way to identify what is holding you back.
Most common questions:
- How do you Meditate?
- Why do you Meditate?
- What type of Meditation should you do?
So many people out there believe they don't have the ability to meditate.
How do you Meditate?
2 points I need to make here and they are,
- Forget thinking you cannot Meditate.
- Meditation is not a state of mind, but a state of doing.
The best way I've found to begin Meditating if you're a beginner is to start with breath awareness exercises. This sets you up for an easier transition into meditation. The benefits of breath awareness exercises are amazing and bring a sense of calm very quickly.
Exercise 1:
- Sitting in a quiet spot, straight back and palms in your lap or resting on your knees.
- Closing your eyes, take 3 long inhales and exhales.
- Now on every inhale, feel the oxygen filling your lower lungs, to your middle lungs, to your upper lungs.
- Pause 1 second.
- Now on every exhale, feel the oxygen release from your lower lungs, to your middle lungs, to your upper lungs.
- Pause 1 second.
- Repeat this for 5 min.
Exercise 2:
- Laying on your back, feet 1/2 meter apart, palms out to side facing up.
- Deep inhale and force exhale through pierced lips (your exhale should much longer than your inhale).
- Repeat this for 30 - 40 breaths. If you feel uncomfortable, stop there.
- On your last breath, take a deep inhale and hold until you cannot any longer and then exhale.
- Complete this 2 times and each time record your breath hold.
These 2 exercises allow you to become very aware of your breath both in you're normal inhale and exhale and also in breath retention (holding your breath).
In Exercise 1 this is allowing you to become very aware and focus on one thing only which is going to set you up well to transition into Meditation.
Exercise 2 is doing a few things, it is demonstrating how important your lungs are and the breath. It allows you to release a lot of tension and stress you may be holding on to and feels like your flushing that stress, anxiety and clutter out of your head. It gives you something to measure and make progress with because the more comfortable you can be when holding your breath, the better you deal with stressful situations in the outside world.
Do this every day for 1 week first and then move onto Meditation.
Now for Meditation
Remember those 2 points? Well here is 3.
- Forget thinking you cannot Meditate.
- Meditation is not a state of mind, but a state of doing.
- Meditate without an expectation.
It doesn't matter how good of a meditator you are or how deep you can get or any other results you can think of to attach to. Meditation is a state of doing and there shouldn't be any expectation of a result. You just do it, you don't think is this right or wrong or how well your progressing, you just do it.
What you'll find is after implementing a regular meditation practice, you will notice things pop up, light bulbs go off and a very large sense of awareness of how your feeling, what your doing, your actions and decision making. You begin to be very aware of what you're doing and because of this you start to begin a road of self-development 'by default'. That's right, by default.
Meditation is free, you can do it anywhere and has a far greater impact than any medication, pill, supplement or treatment anywhere in the marketplace. A regular practice is priceless and the only way to really grasp what it does is to just do it. Whether you're living with Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, Bipolar, ADHD, Autism, Addictions like Eating Disorders, Alcoholism or doing drugs, implementing a regular meditation practice has an amazing effect.
How to Meditate
Find somewhere quiet, peaceful and comfortable. If you can't find a quiet place, don't worry you will get a huge benefit from Meditating in noisy places as well. We just need to do it.
- Sit up with your back straight. On a cushion, in a chair, on a bean bag it's up to you.
- Hands in lap or sitting on your knees. Legs in a comfortable position.
- Set your Meditation Timer (free apps available or use your phone timer) to 5 to 10 min.
- Close your eyes and take 3 x full inhales and exhales.
- Now release control over your breath and focus on your inhale passing into your nostrils.
- Focus on your breath exiting your nostrils.
- Feel the breath passing over where your top lip meets your nostrils.
- If you feel your mind wander, don't be frustrated, just bring your awareness back to your breath passing over that area.
- Continue bringing your awareness back to that area of your nostrils.
- Continue to 5 or 10 min where you feel comfortable. Then over time, we work to 20 min.
Here's a 20 minute Meditation Timer to use
Eat, Think & Live Clean and your body changes, your mind thinks better, you handle stress and challenges better and are more driven and motivated as your energy levels have increased along with your mental clarity. You now begin to look at other areas of your life and how you can enhance them.
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Kind Regards
Adam Phillips – Founder of Life Grip
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