Simplifying Life with Marc De Bruin

What we’ll cover in this article and in the podcast.

  • If you want to change, start with changing your behaviour. The more often you improve your state, the better life seems to be.
  • Find meaning in your life, your career, relationships and you'll quickly see how amazing things really are and a life of purpose happens by default.
  • We already have everything we need, but sometimes the layers we have put on ourselves over time (baggage, guilt, shame, low confidence and/or self worth) prevents us from seeing that.
  • Remove the layers and you're back to your true core self.
  • It was a pleasure to have Marc on the show as he and I worked together improving my mindset and course directing me which ultimately lead me to where I am today.

How do you close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be in the future?

If you want to change, start with changing your behaviour.

The more often you improve your state, the better life seems to be.

But the simplest way to change your state is to change your behaviour. As Marc from Simplifying Life explains this is the immediate course of action, you can take right away, today.

Change your behaviour and you change your state, which changes your outcome. The more often you improve your state, the better life seems to be.

It’s easy to fall into a rut of expecting change to happen without making any change ourselves. Sometimes we're expecting some outside force to change us or to make us be something else.

An empowering feeling is knowing you can do this yourself. When ever you feel yourself in this situation expecting change, ask yourself this question. What have I done for change to occur?

Find meaning in what you're doing

Find meaning in your life, your career, relationships and you quickly see how amazing things really are and a life of purpose happens by default.

I get most inspired by people whom are truly happy and living a life of purpose. All these people have something in common. They have found meaning in their lives.

Your life already has meaning, you just need to identify it. You're worthy of a life of purpose, you are enough and you’re definitely someone whom can and does inspire others.

You’re maybe looking to others for inspiration while at the same time people are being inspired by your actions, your life and the meaning you have in your life.

We already have everything we need, but sometimes the layers we have put on ourselves over time (baggage, guilt, shame, low confidence and/or self worth) prevents us from seeing that.

The onion analogy is perfect here in this situation. If you think you’re not enough at this current point in time, I guarantee you have layers preventing you from seeing it.

Removing those layers is an immediate step to uncover your true, core self. These layers prevent you from finding meaning, from understanding why you’re here and what impact you can and want to have on the world.

Changing your state quickly, finding meaning in your life and giving back to others you quickly remove these layers.

Stop doing something that you know is not working and swap it with something more inline with what you want - Marc from Simplifying Life

The power of focusing on what you want and how the R.A.S can help you get it.

What is the R.A.S?

What you focus on, you tend to see and experience more of in your world. Your focus, values and wiring of your subconscious will determine your outlook on the world and what your own version of the universe looks like.

This is your R.A.S, it stands for Reticular Activating System.

For example when you're wanting to buy a certain type of car, you tend to see more of them on the road. But there isn’t more on the road, you have just started focusing on that type of car. This focus has programmed the R.A.S with certain inputs.

So focus on what you want and you’ll tend to see, hear and experience more of it. By default you’ll end up putting yourself into more situations of what you want.

Turn what you want into reality by focusing on what you want, more often. Create a clear picture of what you want in your life.

This searching function your brain is set by what you’re focusing on to allow you to see more of it. Give it the right inputs.

Serenity is not seeking shelter from the storm, it's finding peace within it

To be ok, not being ok

It’s ok when things are not going to plan. It’s ok when things aren't all sunshine, hot chocolate, soft pillows and netflix.

  • Imagine being ok in your most uncomfortable moments?
  • Imagine being calm in the tough situations when things are pretty much just plain f##ked?

It isn’t a nice feeling when things aren't good, I get it and we all have those bad times. But it’s our perception of those situations that determine how bad it is. It’s even our perception of the situation which will determine if it is good or bad in the first place.

Change is inevitable, things come and go and to think that we’ll always have something or some current situation, it just isn’t so.

Immersing yourself in the tough times, noticing it and feeling it, something very profound happens. You’ll notice this begins dissipating, intensity will reduce and before long that change will pass, just like the sound of passing car.

Vipassana Meditation is in silence and teaches you to be comfortable in the storm. Pain and sensations arise during the meditation and you place your attention on those sensations. The sensations eventually disappear and the more often you willingly putting yourself in these uncomfortable situations, the more adapt to change you become.

The famous quote by UFC Fighter, Conor McGregor is one of my favourites and is hanging on the wall in my bedroom.

“The more you seek the uncomfortable, the more you become comfortable”

In silent meditation you begin to understand the origin of your thoughts and behaviours. Now you can begin the work to remove those layers and just be your true core self. By exposing yourself, to yourself you can move forward.

It was amazing to have Marc De Bruin from Simplifying Life on the podcast. I cannot tell you how much his work has had a positive impact on my life. The learnings he gave me I still use today and these learnings are the gifts that keeps on giving.

I encourage you to reach out to Marc, he has loads of experience and adds a tonne of value within the first session.

There are always key points, defining situations/moments and people you come across in your life and dealing with Marc at Simplifying Life is definitely one of them.

Thanks Marc

You can reach out to Marc here in these links below;

Website: Simplifying Life

Youtube: Simplifying Life

Facebook: Simplifying Life

Twitter: Simplifying Life


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Eat Clean, Think Clean and Live Clean, your body changes, your mind thinks better, you handle stress and challenges better and are more driven and motivated as your energy levels have increased along with your mental clarity. You now begin to look at other areas of your life and how you can enhance those.

Share your experience with changes in your diet, I would love to hear!

Don’t Forget to share!

Eat, Think & Live Clean.

Kind Regards

Adam Phillips – Founder of Life Grip