Stop The Downward Spiralling Mind

One of the key things that I need to talk about is meditation and relaxation.

After meditation you're going to feel a sense of calm, you're going to feel much more relaxed and will be able to focus much better.

Now why is that? It's because you're spending a certain amount of time in the present moment, in the now. Because the now is all there is any way. Time, from my opinion and perspective, is just a chain of consecutive nows. So you've only got the now.

When waking in the morning, what I found is when I've got some stress going on in my life, when I've got some things that I'm thinking about, some things that I haven't handled yet. As I wake up in the morning, if I don't go and do my morning routine and meditate, I begin to start indulging in the downward spiral thoughts, about the stresses, and/or all the things that I haven't handled yet.

One of the reasons that we meditate is to try and get ourselves into that present moment for a certain amount of time on a regular basis.

Now I know if I don't meditate, if I don't do my morning routine, I sometimes can end up putting my mind into a downward spiral because of all these stresses I'm focusing on.

My mind would now be indulging in the stress and building up. Just putting layer on top a layer on top of layer and then if you don't do anything for another day, don't do any sort of meditation or relaxation, then this is what happens. It will happen for consecutive days in a row, then you are going to build up more and more stress.

But what are we doing in between the times that we meditate?

So meditation is one important part of your life, but what are you doing for the other 23 hours of the day?

Some of it is sleep (learn about improving your sleep here) and the other times you're working and doing whatever else, but that's the time that we need to really be conscious of when we are indulging in these distractions. When my mind wanders and it starts to indulge in something that I haven't handled yet, I know if I can't handle in that moment, there is no point placing any focus on it. Otherwise I would only be trying to control the uncontrollable, which is insane but it is very common. Many people focus on things outside of their control. Sometimes it's difficult, but important to make a mental note of these 2 words. 

"Let Go".

Every time I go and indulge in a stress, I'm really just trying to find a distraction, that's that's all I am really doing. When you want to distract yourself and indulge yourself in a stress, then this is where you'll find yourself reaching for things, which can ultimately turn into addictions. But if you prevent yourself from reaching for these things/distractions, whether it's indulging in a thought or whether you're going to reach for something.

What you're reaching for might be, social media, the TV remote, chocolate cake, soft drink, alcohol or whatever else. 

But it's that act of reaching for something to distract you, from the now. Prevent yourself reaching for it and it forces you back to you and the present moment. What you'll find is once you stop reaching for these things you're forcing yourself to come back to yourself. You pull yourself into the present moment.

This is the place to be for true self development.

You'll end exposing yourself, to yourself and begin to understand the reason root cause reasons for indulging in these distractions. Being in the present moment without the urge to reach for anything is the place and emotional, mental state we want to achieve. 

One day it will just click, a light bulb will go off and you'll understand more about yourself and the reasons behind addictions and the need for distractions and stimulants. This is the place to be for true self development.

Continue exposing yourself to yourself. 

Stop yourself from reaching for something and do it over and over again until you're forced to be in the moment with only you.

You'll feel the need to check emails, read a text message and every time that happens, just do it again and keep preventing yourself from reaching for those things. Just come back to the present moment. This is how in between the times you meditate, throughout your daily life you can spend more time in that present moment, you don't just have to wait until meditation or relaxation. 

This really is a practise of self investigation.

If you've got distractions that are bugging you, things outstanding that can't be done today, than focus on it when it needs to be done, not now. Schedule it to be done and when the time comes, place focus on it then.

The energy you have now, is for now, the mental space, the focus you have for now, is for now. Don't waste your energy on things you cannot control, life's too short. The more time spent in the now, brings more fulfilment, more happier moments. These moments make up a consistent emotional states that increase the quality of your life.

If you’re living with mental health issues (if this is what you think about your current state), it can benefit your quality of life by looking at your current lifestyle and see if any positive changes can be made. 

Some lifestyle changes may help you.

When you wake up first thing in the morning is when it all starts, this is when you need to get on top of it straight away. It's another benefit to the morning routine.

4 Step Morning Routine:

  • Hydrate: drink water first up as soon as you wake up.
  • Breathing Exercise: doing your breathing exercise is going get you feeling clean, clearer and energise you.
  • Active: getting active, go for a walk, a run, do some stretching, yoga or whatever you like.
  • Meditation: doing your meditation before your day begins sets you up very well. You're calm, focused and energised.

Getting on to your mindset before things start to layer up, before your mind has a chance to wonder and indulge in distractions or negative thoughts. Once you do this, as time goes on you'll find your quality of life is much better. Check out this simple Morning Routine below that only takes 10 minutes.

An optimal morning routine that’s right for you can provide amazing benefits to your overall health, wellbeing and especially your mental health. If you are experiencing depression or anxiety, bringing yourself into the now on a regular basis may be of great benefit to you. 

Any changes in your lifestyle is best to see a health professional, a doctor or someone you may already be speaking with before making any changes.

Life Grip is a company that's walking the same path with you.

Living stronger, cleaner lifestyles.

Eat, Think & Live Clean.

Kind Regards

Adam Phillips